Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Aug 7, 2017

Heart-to-heart: The reason why I left my job.

Hello my darlings!

Ah! It's been forever since I wrote a heart to heart. And yeah, I know I've been MIA lately, I'm late with my vlogs and this blog is a little abandoned~ But I'm slowly trying to post more often. So many things happened lately, I have some exciting things to share with you all but for now, I'll talk about one of the biggest changes that happened during my Summer break; yeah, after 7 years, I decided to leave my job.

One of the first things I get form people is "Why did you leave? I thought you loved your job as a teacher." So, I'll clear that first: It is true, I loved my job. And I still love to teach! It is no secret how much I love being a teacher and to work with the kids. I left but it doesn't mean I don't want to teach anymore.

There were many reasons why I decided to leave. It wasn't easy tho. I actually thought a lot about it. Cuz it's easy to get used to a routine (especially after 7 years!), it was my first official teaching job and the one that taught me everything I know today. I'm still very thankful for the opportunity I had to work there and find what I really love to do.

I just felt like it was time for a change. I just knew it. You know? When you feel you gave everything you had to give at this certain place and it's time for you to go? At first it felt like something crazy. and even scary but, at the same time, some other projects came my way and I realized I was not going to be able to make them happen staying there. I did grow so much as a teacher. Especially if I look back to when I started. I learnt so much and funny thing is, I felt like this last year was my best one, I even enjoyed open classes which used to terrify me!! So yeah, I'm taking so many great things from that school with me.

I met great people, had lovely coworkers who taught me so much and some of them are and will always be great, close friends of mine and of course, I had the chance to be part of so many adorable kids, saw them grow from babies to small kids...
The school is growing, and hopefully it'll continue growing but, I want to grow too and not only as a teacher but as a person too.
I hear a lot that every cycle in life is supposed to have an end at some point and it was time for that cycle in my life to end.

Til this moment I still have mixed emotions, it is scary to say I don't have a job for the first time in 7 years, it's so-not-me! But I know so many great things will come, I also want to take some time off to enjoy myself, and think about what /I/ want and need. I want new challenges and new experiences and I think making this decision was the first step to get there.

This is probably the shortest heart-to-heart ever but I really wanted to take some time and write this down, to clear some things and explain others. I'm looking forward to see what life brings and have new beginnings!

Stay tuned for some other exciting news coming soon!


  1. Oh dear! You're so ready to move on! I'm happy for you and kinda sad cause my child won't be your student. I can't wait for the posts to come ��

    1. I just /had/ to do it. I'm sad I won't be his teacher too! But like I said, I won't disappear. Hehe. We'll see what the future brings. Thanks for all the advice on this. It means a lot! x


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